
Titanicus Tournament


Date – 11th July, 2021
System – Adeptus Titanicus, Swiss System Scoring
Battlegroup Size – 1,750pts
Game Length – 2.5 Hours
Board Size – 4x4
Number of Games – Three
Scenarios – Chosen beforehand by Organiser, listed below. All rules are taken from the Open Engine War cards pack.
Prizes – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Best Painted, Best Sports and numerous spot prizes.
Lunch – Entoyment offers a selection of food that can be purchased and eaten on location. Players cannot consume their own food or food brought from elsewhere in the premises.
Painting – All models should be painted with at least three colours, and based as standard.



Army Selection – Battlegroups should be chosen from available Titan Legios and Knight Households using all current Games Workshop publications, including Crusade Legios. Crusade Legios should choose their Traits etc. before the Tournament, and cannot change between games. The latest FAQs are in effect, such as those limiting Acastus Knights etc.

Tools of War – The Event will provide tables and terrain. Players are expected to bring everything else they require to play each game, including their Battlegroup, Battlefield Assets and Status Markers, command terminals and all relevant publications. Each player should bring two physical copies of their Battlegroup roster, as well as at least two Objective Markers.

Scoring – Victory Points scored using Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Objectives (if selected) will dictate Win/Lose/Draw. Winners score an additional 100 Points, Draws give an additional 50 Points, and these are added to create the Tournament Score. This dictates placement in the next round and overall winners at the end of the day.

Stratagems – Players should choose their Stratagems before the Tournament, and record them on the Battlegroup roster in a way that can be seen by the Tournament Organiser but not your opponent until they are needed  – either putting Stratagem Cards aside or writing down the chosen Stratagems on a separate piece of paper. Each player should list their choices for SEVEH, FIVE and THREE Stratagem Points. If a Player is due more for some reason (Underdog bonus, etc). they should choose them before the battlefield setup and deployment. 

Princeps Seniores Traits – Players should choose the Trait for their Princeps Seniores before the Tournament and record this on the Battlegroup roster. This cannot be changed between games.

House Rules and FAQs – all up-to-date FAQs published by Games Workshop are in effect. In addition, the following changes are in effect regarding Stratagems –

Scatterable Mines may not be selected.
Concealment Barrage may only be selected once.
Vox-Blackout – if used in the First Round of the game, both players may still use Stratagems and the card only effects Orders.
Dawn Attack/Dusk Attack – Players may only select ONE of these two Stratagems.




Primary Objective – During battlefield set-up, an Objective token is placed in the centre of the battlefield. At the start of each End Phase both players calculate the total Scale of their units within 6” of the Objective token. The force with the greatest total within 6” of the token is in control of the Objective. If the total Scale of both players’ units is the same, the Objective is contested. If a unit is within 6” of the Objective and their force is in control of it, that unit adds one to the results of all Command checks it makes.

At the end of the battle, the player in control of the Objective token gains 20 Victory Points and an additional 10 Victory Points if no enemy unit is within 6” of the Objective token. If the Objective is contested, both players score 10 Victory Points.

Secondary Objective – roll on the table twice and pick the Objective of your choice. Both players reveal their Secondary Objectives at the same time. Some Secondary Objectives require a player to note down a unit or objective in secret; in these instances the Secondary Objective is revealed but not the specific target.

Deployment – Spearhead



Primary Objective – After battlefield set-up, but before either player deploys any units, players take it in turns, starting with the player in control of the battlefield, to place four Objective tokens within 18” of the centre of the board and more than 6” from a previously deployed token. At the end of the battle, both players calculate the total Scale of their units within 4” of the Objective token. The force with the greatest total is in control of the Objective. If the total Scale of both players’ units is the same, the Objective is Contested.

Players earn 5 Victory Points for each Objective token they control and an additional 5 Victory Points if they control two or more Objectives which have no enemy units within 4” of them. 0 Victory Points are scored for Contested Objectives.

 Secondary Objective – chosen as above.

Deployment – Confrontation



Primary Objective – At the end of the battle, players calculate their Victory Points based upon how much of the total points value of the enemy’s battlegroup they have destroyed. Determine the total points value of destroyed enemy units. Units which have not been destroyed but are Structurally Compromised, or in the case of Knight Banner units have lost more than half of their models, count as half their points (rounding up) when calculating total points destroyed.

A player gains 10 Victory Points for destroyed 25% of the total starting points value of the opposing player’s battlegroup, 20 Victory Points for destroying 50% of the total starting points value or 30 Victory Points for destroying 75%+ of the total starting points value of the opposing player’s battlegroup.

Secondary Objective – chosen as in Game One.

Deployment – Line of Battle


Randomise these with the Open War Cards if you own them, otherwise use a D12. As stated above, each player should roll twice and choose the result they wish, re-rolling duplicates or inappropriate Objectives (as described below).


1 – Preserve The Past – Secretly note one of your Princeps Seniores to protect. At the end of the battle, gain 5 Victory Points if that model has not been destroyed but is Structurally Compromised. Gain 10 Victory Points if the chosen Princeps Seniores has not been destroyed or Structurally Compromised.

Knight Households must protect the Seneschal. If at the end of the battle the Seneschal has been destroyed but at least one Banner from their Lance is alive, score 5 Victory Points. Score 10 Points if the Seneschal has not been destroyed.

2 – Pride in Precision – At the end of the battle, score 3 Victory Points for each enemy Titan destroyed with a Targeted Attack (without the Melee Trait), to a maximum of 9 Victory Points. If your opponent is using a Knight force, score 3 Points for each Lord Scion destroyed as a result of a Targeted Attack (without the Melee Trait), to a maximum of 9 Points. An additional 1 Point is scored if the destroyed model was a Princeps Seniores or Seneschal.

3 – Martial Pride - At the end of the battle, score 3 Victory Points for each enemy Titan destroyed with a Smash Attack or weapon with the Melee Trait, to a maximum of 9 Victory Points. An additional 1 Point is scored if the destroyed model was a Princeps Seniores or Seneschal. If none of your weapons have the Melee Trait, you may discard this result and roll for another.

4 – Virulent Messenger – After both forces have been deployed, secretly choose one of your Titans to carry the payload. At the end of the battle, you gain 5 Victory Points if the Titan has been destroyed and a further 5 Points if the Titan was destroyed in your opponent’s Deployment Zone. If the Titan was destroyed in your own deployment zone, you gain zero points. If you have no Titans in your force, discard this result and roll for another.

5 – Make Them Suffer – After both forces have been deployed, secretly write down two of your opponent’s Titans as targets. At the end of the battle, you gain 5 Victory Points for each chosen target that is Structurally Compromised but not destroyed.

If your opponent is using a Knight Household, instead nominate a single Banner that contains at least three Knights. At the end of the battle, you gain 10 Victory Points if over half of the Banner’s models have been destroyed but the entire Banner has not. If it is not possible to choose targets as described above, discard this result and roll again.

6 – Cut Off The Head – After both forces have been deployed, secretly choose one of your opponent’s Princeps Seniores. At the end of the battle, you gain 5 Victory Points if the chosen target has been destroyed, and an additional 5 Points if they were destroyed in the first or second round.

If your opponent is using a Knight Household, the Seneschal’s Lance is the target. You earn 5 Victory Points for destroying all Knights within the Lance, and an additional 5 if they are destroyed in the first or second round.

7 – Hold The Line – At the end of the battle, you gain 5 Victory Points for having no enemy units within 18” of your board edge and an additional 5 Points if no enemy units are within 24” of your board edge.

8 – Plant The Standard – After both players have deployed, secretly choose one of your Titans or Knights to carry the standard. At the start of any round after the first, a model in your opponent’s deployment zone may plant it – place an Objective token within 1” of the model. If the model carrying the standard is destroyed, the standard is dropped - place the token where the centre of the model’s base was.

At the end of the battle, you gain 10 Victory Points if the standard was planted and no enemy model is within 8” of the Objective token, or 5 Points if the standard was planted and there are enemy units within 8”, or if the standard was dropped and no enemy units are within 8” of the token.

9 – Seize The Quadrants – After battlefield set-up but before any models have been deployed, divide the table into four equal quadrants. At the end of the battle, calculate the total Scale of both players’ units within each quadrant. If the total Scale is greater than your opponent’s, you gain control of the section. You gain 5 Victory Points if you control two or more battlefield sections, and an additional 5 Points if you control three or more sections.

10 – Honour Duel – After both players have deployed, secretly choose one of your Princeps Seniores. Then choose two of your opponent’s Titans, one of which must be a Princeps Seniores. At the end of the battle, you gain 6 Victory Points if your chosen Princeps Seniores destroyed the enemy Princeps Seniores target and 4 Victory Points for the other target.

If both you and your opponent are using Knight Households, you instead gain 10 Victory Points if your Seneschal destroys your opponent’s Seneschal. If only one player is using a Knight Household, discard this and roll for another.

11 – Secure Ground – After the battlefield has been setup but before any models have been deployed, choose a single terrain piece within your deployment zone – this is your Strategic Objective. At the end of the battle, you gain 10 Victory Points if no enemy unit is within 12” of this Strategic Objective, or 5 Victory Points if the total Scale of your units within 12” is greater than your opponent’s. The Strategic Objective cannot be destroyed.

 12 – Expedient Strike – After both players have deployed their forces, secretly choose two of your opponent’s Titans as Primary Targets. At the end of the battle, you gain 5 Victory Points for each Primary Target destroyed in the first or second round, or 5 Victory Points if, at the end of the battle, both Targets have been destroyed.

If your opponent is using a Knight Household, discard this result and roll again.

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