
Sunday, 21 September 2014

Remote Control


As readers may have seen in my recent Tournament Report, my Nomad force for Infinity recently received some important reinforcements, In addition to the powerful Intruder Assault Commando, two Remotes were built and painted, ready for the tournament and for future games where their special abilities will be required. Here are some close shots and some explanation behind their construction and their use in the game.

The Reaktion Zond
The Reaktion Zond was the fourth Remote finished for the team
Converted Salyut Zond, with Minesweeper scanning gear
With leftover parts from a Lunokhod Sputnik and some parts from a Dark Eldar miniature, the cheap and cheerful Salyut Zond was born. In the future I intend to add another with an EVO Repeater to assist with aggressive Hacking
The latest recruits for the team. I had been using a Stempler Zond as my Reaktion Zond, but this can now be rectified
Both Remotes have been extensively chipped, battered and weathered, like the rest of the team
Next on the painting table, once the Indian Raj and a few other Dystopian Wars projects have been cleared, is another pair of Remotes (this time a Transductor and a Vertigo Zond), some of the new infantry models from the Operation: Icestorm set, and a mighty Iguana. This will bring my force up to a rather impressive size, enabling me to run almost every combination of troops and Specialists Corregidor can manage. Sometimes there are hidden advantages to playing Sectorials!

The Lunokhod Sputnik, with Boarding Shotgun, Heavy Flamethrower and two Crazy Koalas
For the near future (hopefully this side of Christmas) I have been building up my terrain collection for Infinity, and with some careful placement of pieces I should be able to run five different tables. This will take some time building and painting, of course, yet should be a sight to behold. It will also be very useful for running my own campaigns and mini-tournaments in my own home.

The Stempler Zond, with a a Combi Rifle and Sensor equipment. This model used to work as a Reaktion Zond, but I have a new affinity for the Stempler after reading the rules for Sensor
Beyond my plans to build an entire city (and beyond) for Infinity, I have recently been attending the newly-established local gaming club, with their excellent Bunker (holding ten tables), prodigious amount of terrain and solid selection of players. The two Infinity tournaments I have attended this year were both run by the guys who work down at the gaming store, and have an affinity for Infinity that is really something.

The Remotes together
A sample 300pt list with the four Remotes, just missing the Hellcat with HMG who is undergoing repairs
With this great new opportunity, I have been able to play more Infinity in the past month than I have played in the past year, against a variety of opponents and skill levels. It must be noted, however, that even with my relative inexperience (thirteen games at time of writing) I am considered one of the veterans and was asked to help teach two new players just last night. This has escalated rather wildly!

The entire team as it stands, minus the Hellcat with HMG
In the future, they are hoping to run a weekly Escalation League similar to the one Winner Dave and I recently ran through. A League like that with a core of players will be great fun, and I am looking forward to it immensely. Hopefully I will have a few more models painted by then, and have an even bigger base to choose from.

Thanks for reading,


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