
Friday, 31 October 2014

Infinity - The RPG


Corvus Belli's big announcement last week was the reveal of their upcoming Roleplay Game, published by Modiphius Entertainment (publishers of the Achtung! Cthulu game and Mutant Chronicles RPG) and set in the awesome Infinity universe. 

More information can be found here and here

As an aside, I was intrigued to find out that the concept of Infinity began as a roleplay setting, and transitioned into a miniatures game after a comic project provided the basic concept artwork.

Back to the news, some words from the developers themselves...

As Infinity was created by roleplayers, our secret desire has been always to release the RPG version of the game. Unfortunately, Infinity requires all our time and we were unable to create the RPG everyone has been asking for. To find the right partner, with the same attention to detail has been really difficult and the reason we have not released an RPG before. So, when Chris contacted us we felt very happy, as he demonstrated a deep understanding of the universe and spirit of Infinity. We discussed plenty of covert operations, secret schemes and adventures and we know Modiphius has a very professional approach that will ensure they deliver a truly high-quality product. Now we only regret not having teamed up with them before!” said Gutier, background developer of Infinity.

Exciting times ahead for a lot of people! I have experience with a few role-playing games from back in my teens, and enjoyed them immensely. Sadly, I doubt I will have the time or serious motivation to get into this game, but I am nonetheless very interested in the books as a source of additional background material and artwork. I will be picking them up, no doubt. 

Another quote...

Infinity - The Roleplaying Game. Adventures In the Human Sphere & Beyond will be available as a limited pre-order for the Corebook in Q1 - 2015, which will ship in Q2 - 2015. A Kickstarter campaign will follow in the Summer of 2015, with plans to expand the range to include full-colour campaign books, setting books, new player-character and villain figures, floor tiles and much more.

A Kickstarter does not thrill me, unfortunately, but the highlighted section about new figures is VERY interesting. If they release a range of special characters and civilians in 28mm scale, I will have to start some intense negotiation with my bank manager...

Thanks for reading, 


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