
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Full Spectrum Dominance 2014 - A Year In Review Conclusion


The big summer month was dominated by a family holiday where no painting was done at all for nearly two weeks, making August a fairly light month, but reinforcements were added to the Federated States of America and previews were revealed for all the Core Nations and the Kingdom of Denmark - still looking forward to those coming in the New Year! The Element270 Painting Challenge was taken up and then unfortunately failed this month, but a couple of good Battle Reports made for some fun gaming. 
The Federated States of America have enjoyed their latest reinforcements immensely

The short-lived adventure with the Republique of France
The Russian Coalition are distinctly not finished by the end of August

The second Infinity tournament saw September dominated by more units for the Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor, while a commission for my friend Mike took up my painting time in the middle of the month, but the real achievement this month was finishing off the Naval Battle Group for the Indian Raj. One of my favourite new fleets, I was very happy with how these models have turned out and look forward to expanding the fleet in the future. 
Mike's colour scheme matches mine almost exactly

The Indian Raj out in force
The Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor saw a large number of Remotes join the ranks
The Intruder with HMG remains one of my favourite units in the game, though I still do not know how to use it properly
This month was a big one for the blog, seeing the 100th post and the first instalment by new contributor Winner Dave. The Chinese Dragon was the big project for the start of the month, and several other squadrons were painted up to finish off Ben's Chinese Federation. Several good Battle Reports were finished this month, showing off the Indian Raj and the Chinese Federation, while on the Infinity front an Escalation League began, keeping my interest up.

The Chinese Armoured Dragon Robot remains one of my proudest painting achievements this year
This month was a tough one for painting, with the majority of my effort spent on painting terrain for the upcoming Infinity tournament. A large number of models were painted for Infinity, and the Russian Coalition saw some serious progress, but with a family holiday and staffing issues at work, it was not the most production month!
The Mobile Brigada was painted a second time, and I am much happier with him now

This month was a great one for Infinity
A beast of a ship, the Borodino-class Battleship took a fair while to finish

In the last few weeks of the year, work really kicked in and painting time was reduced. Nonetheless, I attended the last Infinity tournament of the year, painted a number of models for the Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor and finished the first Naval Battle Group for the Russian Coalition in Dystopin Wars. The release of N3 for Infinity was a big event, and though Real Lifekicked in for Christmas and New Year. I still managed a couple more games. 
As a Bar Manager, the bar is one of the most important pieces of terrain on the board, and will get some special treatment beyond a basecoat soon
Airbrushed and ready for some detail, the terrain collection continues to expand
Great models from CnC Workshop make the Infinity battlefields look fantastic
The second Gecko was finally finished

The full Naval Battle Group is now complete, and ready for reinforcements
So there we are! 2014 was a great year hobby-wise, and though the end of the year took a beating because of work and holiday distractions, I intend to be a bit more consistent in the New Year. A total of 55 games were played and 535 models painted over 2014, and in 2015 I intend to beat that record! 

Thanks, as ever, for reading, and I hope 2014 was a good year for you and you've got some serious hobby plans in 2015!


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