
Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Infinity Terrain - Small Buildings by Customeeple


Assembling a large amount of terrain for a recent tournament, I picked up pieces from several different companies to fill out three tables. One of my early favourites and the first to get painted was the Neon City set from Customeeple, a company whose terrain collection is expanding rather rapidly. Their stuff was detailed, reasonably priced and pack with extras like ladders, vents and acrylic adverts - perfect for the Neon City-vibe I was looking to build on the urban board. Below are some pictures of the first set finished - the Neon City Panoceania Set 2 - Small Buildings.
The set features two small buildings with acrylic adverts, windows and doorways. It also featured a small stairway, unfortunately not pictured here
The set features vents, ladders and other extras to detail the buildings
The first building is some sort of futuristic shop - perhaps a pharmacy given the red cross symbol on the sign
The ladder ascends to the roof, while the sides of the building have been detailed with graffiti
A door at the back of the shop gives extra access points
Graffiti covers the walls - this shop may not be in the best area of town
The Tomcat investigates some interesting tags
Alguaciles hold their own from the rooftop
The small building is a colourful addition to my burgeoning Neon City
More subdued in colour, this building advertises itself as a Hospital and Bank - perhaps medical care is even more expensive in the future! 
Again, graffiti decorates the walls. Following a nasty fall while painting, the ladder was badly damaged. I salvaged what I could and painted it as a badly rusted and damaged ladder
Dust and weathering along the bottom of the building helps make it feel more realistic
A vent hangs off the edge of the building

The doorways and some form of security device lurk under the overhanging rooftop

Comparison pictures with these models shows the size of the building
Small compared to the larger offerings from Micro Art and others, this is clearly a small shop rather than an apartment block
The Hospital-Bank is a much needed convenience in the world of Infinity
The buildings are ready for the streets of the Neon City!
Aesthetics - Great, really nice and simple, with some more interesting sections to grab the attention without becoming too complicated. The large flat areas are still detailed with windows and lines between the plating, while the more interesting fascias and doorways have nice generic sci-fi themed details.

Easy of Assembly - These pieces were probably some of the easiest MDF scenery I have assembled, and though most of this will come from them their smaller size, the layout of the pieces was easy and the instructions clear. The instructions were supplied with the set, which is a definite plus. 

Ease of Painting - As usual, the MDF soaks up some of the paint and needs undercoating to avoid bad results. This is to be expected. The large flat areas are great for simple painting, or putting a bit more effort in with graffiti etc.The main issues came from painting around all of the acrylic extras that some with this set - I dislike painting terrain in multiple pieces, and gluing it back together once the painting was complete was a bit of a pain. Prepare for that, and it is okay. 

Cost - Coming it at roughly twenty five Euros for the pair, this is on par with the more expensive terrain suppliers, but I think the quality of the pieces and all the extra parts that come with the sets justifies the cost. The acrylic signs and such are also part of the set, adding to the value. 

Overall, a great little set, and they have peaked my interest in more terrain from Customeeple!

Thanks for reading,


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