
Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Unboxing the Bombardment Groups


Unfortunately some days later than planned, I have received three of the new Bombardment Groups  - the Prussian Empire and Russian Coalition for myself, and the Federated States of America for my Good Friend Ben. Painting will begin as soon as possible - I have big plans for all of the naval vessels included in these sets, and the Heavy Bombers for the Prussian Empire and Federated States of America also deserve a lot of attention. Onto the pictures!

The Federated States of America

The usual quality of packing and presentation
Two squadrons of four Support Aircraft, with the requisite movement tray and dice
The two massive Heavy Bombers
These immense planes easily match a Cruiser in size, and are made from three parts - the main hull and two wing-tips
The Heavy Destroyers fit the updated FSA aesthetic nicely, and are sized between a Destroyer and Cruiser, as was expected
The Prussian Empire

The usual packaging
Technically the set with the least number of models, we see it does contain some of the largest
Alongside a Strike Bomber, we see the size of these Heavy Bombers. Each is five pieces - the main hull and four small rotors. These will be annoying to clean and file
The Heavy Bombers are easily larger than a Prussian Cruiser
The Support Carriers are also large ships, significantly larger than the Prussian Cruiser
The Russian Coalition

The usual packaging and presentation
The six bases of the Submarines dominate the set
Featuring a good amount of flash, the Heavy Bombers still look simple to build - three pieces like their American counterparts
Compared to a Prussian and FSA Cruiser, we can see the size of the Submarines. I fully intend to paint and use all six - getting the most value out of the set!
I hope these unboxing posts are useful and interesting for you, the readers. The detail of the models does not photograph well without paint on the resin, but hopefully they will give a good indication of the size and complexity of the miniatures. I hope that I will be able to get some paint onto the miniatures in the near future and show them off, ready for a future Battle Report!

Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

  1. NIce report! As I have had a short break of DW I just saw them today! Looking forward to painting mine (Brits and Americans)
