
Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Resolutions for the New Year


  • PAINT (at least) 365 MODELS - I really thought this would be easy, but this year I have spent less time painting small, easy models like SAW tokens or scatter terrain and concentrated on larger, more time consuming projects. Infinity and Dropzone Commander simply do not offer the number and ease of Dystopian Wars. My final tally of 354 is good, but nowhere near as much as 2014 (535!). Next year I will endeavour to match it, but it will depend what kind of models I am painting! 
  • PLAY (at least) 52 GAMES - With Dropzone Commander, Infinity, Dystopian Wars and a smattering of other, smaller systems, I have managed to play eighty-five games this year! Well over my target, and probably more than I have managed in a long time. 
  • WRITE UP 12 BATTLE REPORTS - not counting the eight tournament reports, I have completed sixteen AARs for Dystopian Wars this year - an excellent level of production I am proud of. Twelve of these Battle Reports were for the Hunt for the Markgraf narrative campaign, which has only built up more steam in recent months. 
  • EXPAND THE BLOG WITH MORE PAGES AND CONTRIBUTORS - This was not a great success - most of my friends have their own blogs and lives. In the future I am looking to get some of them to contribute towards Dropzone Commander and Alien versus Predator however, so watch this space!
  • FINISH ALL THE CURRENT PROJECTS - I made significant progress here, painting up over 2,000pts worth of Russian Coalition vessels as well as some leftover Federated States of America squadrons and a smattering of other ships. Overall though, I was distracted with new projects like the expansions to the Black Wolf Mercenaries, Battle Robots and the Kingdom of Denmark. The League of Italian States and Chinese Federation await their reinforcements, which have been sat unpainted for a LONG time! 
  • AVOID COLLECTING TOO MANY NEW FLEETS - In this I was largely successful, only really buying expansions for existing fleets. At the end of the year I did buy models for the Kingdom of Britannia - a lapse I will have to make up for by painting them quickly!
  • FINISH THE JURSIDICTIONAL COMMAND OF CORREGIDOR - Alas no, they're releasing great new models faster than I can paint them!
  • LEARN N3 PROPERLY - Largely happy with this, though I think I have forgotten a lot in the past few months.
  • PLAY AT LEAST SIX TOURNAMENTS - Infinity wise, I only managed to play in five tournaments as I missed the last two of the SCTS events. The shame! Hopefully I made up for it with my placings (discussed below) and the three Dropzone Commander tournaments. 
  • WIN BEST PAINTED SEVERAL MORE TIMES - I managed this once with my Infinity force, which I consider a success. It is difficult win more than once with the same force, as everybody has already seen them! Again, in Dropzone Commander I won the Autumn Invasion painting award, which was a huge achievement that I am very pleased with. 
  • FINISH IN TOP POSITIONS FOR THESE TOURNAMENTS - in five Infinity tournaments, I finished 2nd, 4th, 2nd, 8th and 3rd, which I consider a respectable set of placements. In Dropzone I finished 2nd twice, and then an appalling 48th in the Autumn Invasion - good thing I won the painting!
  • FINISH BUILDING THREE TABLES AND MY BATTLE SYSTEMS TABLE - The Battle Systems terrain sits unused, perhaps waiting for Alien versus Predator, but for Infinity I did manage to finish enough pieces for two and a half tables. Nice! Maybe in the future I will finish off the last few pieces, but it is not a top priority at the moment. 
The Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor as they stood earlier in the year - missing a couple of the latest models but nearly there!
The Russian Coalition as they stand at the moment - heading towards being one of my largest fleets
A selection of my Dropzone Commander collection. This is missing more of the aerial units and tanks, but even so, there is more work to be done!
This year I will not be doing many system-specific resolutions, as they become very difficult to achieve if I stop playing them! Instead, something more generic...
  • PLAY (at least) SIX TOURNAMENTS - I'm not too worried about system at the moment, but I think Dropzone Commander will make up the bulk of these in the early months of the year. Later on, who knows?
  • PLAY (at least) 52 GAMES - A game a week, bulked out with special tournament days and events should make this one easy.
  • PAINT (at least) 365 MODELS - my usual aim, somehow not achieved in 2015. Hopefully I can reach it this year!
  • EXPAND THE BLOG WITH MORE CONTRIBUTORS AND PAGES - I hope this year will be better for this than the previous one!
  • FINISH MY DROPZONE COMMANDER TABLE - Secret Santa bought me a load of 10mm terrain for my burgeoning Dropzone Commander board, and I think it is time to make a real ruined city. 
  • FINISH THE HUNT FOR THE MARKGRAF - I'm hoping to wind down this narrative campaign, and begin something involving a few more Nations - pretty easy one to follow, I think. 
  • FINISH THE JURISDICTIONAL COMMAND OF CORREGIDOR - nigh impossible when they keep releasing so many cool models, but I can dream, right? 
So there we are, a fairly tight selection of Resolutions but ones I think I can stick to and try to achieve without getting frustrated. As with last year, I will be posting my progress on the sidebar of the blog, and as usual most projects will get their own posts or full Reports. 

I'm looking forward to 2016, and hope you are too!

Thanks for reading, 


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