
Saturday, 9 January 2016

Slow Start


For all my fine promises at the end of December, January has not been kind hobby-wise, and to my shame I have nothing to show off. In fact, in the past two weeks I have managed to play one game of Dropzone Commander... and not much else.

The main excuse for this has been my moving house (again). The last move was fairly simple and fast, but my new abode is... well, a complete shithole, and has needed a huge amount of work to make it habitable. Painting every room, every wall, removing or replacing a huge amount of furniture and sorting out new fittings and lighting has eaten into my time, as I have also had to work full time. Staying at my old family home in the mean time has meant I have not been able to get on with anything hobby-related for far too long.

But have no fear! The refurbishment is nearly complete, and my painting table has been reassembled. I hope to be back painting and posting on the blog by the end of next week - in time to crack on with a couple more Infinity models to finish off the Winter League, then start churning out some Dropzone Commander models for the upcoming Escalation League. Dystopian Wars will also be hitting the table soon, with a much needed Tunguska-class Airship getting some attention!

Thanks for your patience, and as ever, for reading,



  1. At least you have a good reason, my own lack of progress can be squarely laid at the feet of playing too much Destiny.

  2. that looks like a nice factory fresh giant hovercraft. does that one have captured scourge guns mounted on it? A nice touch.

    it's always good to get out the paints after a break.
