
Saturday, 20 August 2016

Dropfleet Prepares To Drop


As I type this, Hawk have opened their communication lines, reassuring us that Dropfleet Commander is on the way! Shipping will (all being well) start before the end of August. Fantastic news! The forums and social media pages were starting to get a little unpleasant, but for now the wailing and gnashing of teeth can calm down a bit.

Today is the Dropfleet Commander :Pre-Release Event at Firestorm Games, an event I am sadly not attending. To all those who are, good luck and I hope you take a lot of pictures! I've already seen a few pictures and it looks great.

I'm not above being a little impatient sometimes, but in this case I'm not too worried. I have a dozen other projects on the painting table, and have experience waiting for Kickstarters - as a veteran of the Alien versus Predator Kickstarter a couple of months is nothing. Receiving the models in September is pretty good for me, as it gives me a deadline for getting the Dropzone Commander terrain and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants completed, as well as a unit of Typhoons and Thunder Wagons for an upcoming tournament. 

In the mean time, here is some beautiful artwork posted onto the Dropfleet Facebook group by Steve Perry and Paul Williams. I love these pieces - atmospheric and gorgeously detailed, they even make me like the Shaltari vessels!
Glorious PHR ships
Sinister and brooding UCM 
PHR vessels entering the upper atmosphere
More UCM vessels
Searching an abandoned space station - getting some great Aliens vibes here
Roll on September.

Thanks for reading,


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