
Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Mechanical Pork Chop!


A new contributor appears!

Hi, my name is Mike, you may remember me from such Dystopian Wars Battle Reports as 'Clash of the Titans' and 'The Hunt for the Markgraf'.  George has asked me to share a new project I have started for a different game.  Over the coming weeks and months I will be keeping you updated with my progress painting a crew for a game called Malifaux.

Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, and Victorian horror with a dose of the Wild West to inject fun and depth into the magical lawlessness of a world rife with monsters, necropunks, man-machine hybrids, gunslingers, and power hungry politicos.

If you would like to know more about Malifaux you can click the following link

For the last couple of years since picking this game up I have been using a fairly basic painted crew and felt it was time to make an effort with a new crew which should also give me some new in game challenges.  As you may be aware from my lack of appearances in Battle Reports life has been a touch hectic for me of late.  This has had a very negative effect on my painting as I have done virtually nothing recently, this will be my chance to try and get back on the proverbial 'horse'.

So for this project I have decided to paint myself a Mei Feng crew.  She is a mobile martial artist and vapormancer, somewhat different to summoning based Ramos I had been using before. Her fluff and a basic overview can be found via the link below

To help warm myself up I decided to make a start on a 'Mechanized Pork Chop' an ill tempered mechanical pig that helps buff other crew members in melee and can set others alight with its flaming 'emissions...'

Being virtually all metal I tried to give it a bit of variance texture wise across the different metallic areas, with scratched up slightly crusty armour plates, shiny oily gears and coppery exhausts.  I also had a stab at a bit of OSL for its furnace, this did not work as well as I had hoped but was perhaps a little ambitious to be jumping off with but is passable for table-top and adds a splash of colour.

With one member of the crew done I now need to try and keep the impetus up and hopefully will have another update for you all soon.



  1. Looks great. How did you manage the cracked earth base?

  2. Thanks Thomas. The basic texture for the base I done using a generous layer of Citadel Texture Agrellan badlands. Once dry I base coat with VGA Earth, wash with Citadel Agrax Earthshade then dry brush with P3 Jack Bone. Any deeper depressions or somewhere I feel needs a bit more shadow I wash in a mix of VGA Black and Citadel Dryad Bark. Hope this helps.


  3. Welcome to Malifaux! Where - unfortunately - bad things happen...
    I've been loving reading all the Dystopian Wars stuff on FSD, and now you're writing up about my main system as well - Malifaux. Happy days! Looking forward to seeing mo' Malifaux, Mike!
