
Monday, 5 December 2016



During my adventures at Reading Warfare I came across the retail stand for Black Scorpion miniatures, a small company that produce their own range of Wild West miniatures and game called Tombstone (as well as Pirates and other, more fantastical pieces). I had always loved the style of their sculpts and the character they've imbued into the models, but here was the first time I had seen them in the flesh. The painting on their "Studio" miniatures was incredible - their stock photos really do not do them justice. Combined with recently watching (and loving) Westworld on HBO, and knowing that my friend Mike played a similar game called Dead Man's Hand, I gave in and picked up a small selection of cowboys.

As well as those listed, one big reason for picking them up was my desire to keep myself up to scratch with my painting. After so many weeks of painting terrain and Dropfleet Commander, I like to distract myself with some more standard 28mm models like Infinity or Knight Models' Marvel Miniatures to keep up my skills. Painting some interesting colours is another big factor - especially with my UCM fleet being six shades of grey and white!
The first guys on the scene
So here we are, another collection of miniatures added and another potential game to play. Luckily, there is a small number of Dead Man's Hand players at my local gaming store, so as soon as I have a few more models painted I will be popping down there.
Teddy Flood, known reprobate and drifter
I love this model's pose; understated yet menacing
"Musical" Pete - local musician of debated calibre, and reputed cattle thief
This was the first cowboy painted, and a few new things tried. Blue jeans are not something I have painted much before, so that was interesting! 
Mr. Franklin Randall, Bank Teller and volunteer for the Sheriff's posse
I am particularly happy with the grey on the Bank Teller's trousers
Showdown! I have managed to acquire enough models for two gangs in Dead Man's Hand, and will be painting models alternately
Something easy to paint and to play is perfect when I'm battling through the piles of Dropfleet sprues!

Thanks for reading,


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