
Tuesday, 28 February 2017

The Fountain

I am a sucker for nice terrain and love painting it - it looks good for games, it looks good for pictures, and is a lot more relaxing to paint than highly detailed 28mm models (most of the time!). After the fun of the Infinity terrain, the Dystopian Wars scenery and the dense urban board for Dropzone Commander, I felt it was time for something a little more... fantastical.

Initially I had sworn off buying and painting more terrain - as with most gamers, I have enough projects. Nonetheless, the recent Beachhead wargaming convention in my town saw a large number of traders and small-scale operations bring their wares to my front doorstep. I could not resist, and picked up a fair few ruined buildings from Blotz (the same operation that supplied most of the Dropzone city) as well as some smaller pieces for interior decoration.

The first to be completed (and only, so far) is the Fountain, which I intend to use for a future campaign game The Well of Dreams and Sorrows. I had already acquired a smaller-scale fountain for the Dropzone table, which can be seen below, so knew it would be a good investment. I added a small brazier to the centre of the piece, hoping it would add some colour and simultanesouly look both inviting and foreboding - I imagine this fountain in some empty square in the middle of the night, the light drawing lost souls to drink or look into their reflections and be entranced by the magic of the water. This was also my first time using Water Effect. It seems to take a long time to dry, or perhaps I used too much. I am happy with the result, though it is not what I had expected - it looks like the water is bubbling or roiling with unseen magic.

For the first piece of terrain for a potential Frostgrave table, I am content. Onto the pictures...
The ancient fountain, its water running clean and illuminated by a mysterious brazier
The grey will serve for most of the buildings I intend to paint, but I am not going to cover everything in snow to make it useful for other games

Alongside the smaller scale fountain from the same company - this one is used for the Dropzone ruined city

Thanks for reading,


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