- PAINT (at least) 365 MODELS - an old resolution, this is one I have aimed to achieve for the past three or four years, and not failed yet. 2014 saw the completion of 535 models!
- PLAY (at least) 52 GAMES - not just Dystopian Wars or Infinity, but a variety of different games. I imagine the majority will be from those two systems, however. 2014 saw 55 games played, including Malifaux, Warhammer 40,000, Infinity and Dystopian Wars.
- WRITE UP 12 BATTLE REPORTS - again, from multiple systems, but with the usual focus on Dystopian Wars
- EXPAND THE BLOG WITH MORE PAGES AND CONTRIBUTORS - pretty self-explanatory, but I feel the blog could do with some sprucing up and basic maintenance. Blog posts by the likes of Winner Dave have also been popular, and taken the pressure off me, so will be encouraged in the coming year
The Russian fleet has come along leaps and bounds, but needs a few more pieces to reach a good gaming size |
- FINISH ALL THE CURRENT PROJECTS - this may require an entire blog post in itself to list all the different projects I have going at the moment. The biggest aims will be the Russian Coalition, the last few Federated States of America and the Indian Raj
- AVOID COLLECTING TOO MANY NEW FLEETS - unless some spectacular comes out, I will be aiming to slow down the number of fleets I invest in, as I have some many projects on the go at the moment. Exceptions for this will be the League of Italian States, Kingdom of Denmark and any other fleets I currently own that receive reinforcements
The Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor as they stood back in November - since then several more units have been finished |
- FINISH THE JURSIDICTIONAL COMMAND OF CORREGIDOR - very close with this one already, though I imagine they will release some new models in the future! The Iguana will be the big project for the initial weeks of 2015
- LEARN N3 PROPERLY - with a few weeks until the official start of the 2015 ITS season and a tournament at the end of February, I have some time to get to grips with the ruleset
- PLAY AT LEAST SIX TOURNAMENTS - including some outside of my home town. I've made friends with a few of the local guys who travel to tournaments across the country, and this gives opportunities for travelling further afield
- WIN BEST PAINTED SEVERAL MORE TIMES - the real prize, as far as I am concerned. Of course, with bigger tournaments comes greater competition so I will need to paint even harder!
- FINISH IN TOP POSITIONS FOR THESE TOURNAMENTS - I'm not going to say Top Third as smaller tournaments with lots of big names (like the most recent tournament in December) makes it very difficult to finish in the top four or so. Top half would be cool though, and pretty achievable
- FINISH BUILDING THREE TABLES AND MY BATTLE SYSTEMS TABLE - I have the terrain, I just need to add a couple of smaller buildings and get painting to complete everything. Then, I will have three full tables that can work together to form one giant table - not that I would ever need it, but wouldn't it look great all together at a tournament? That is the aim, and progress begins in late January. I also have a large selection of terrain from Battle Systems' recent Kickstarter, and it would be good to get that stuff put together
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Battle Systems terrain looks fantastic, and I would love to play some games aboard a space station using these corridors and rooms |
My first table, the Loading Bay, is still not complete! Aiming for twelve foot of terrain is a mighty task |
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A typical score sheet from the four tournaments attended in 2014 - hopefully I can maintain and improve upon this in 2015 , N3 and the new ITS season |
So there we are! Pretty heavy on the Resolutions for Infinity, but that is the game that has my attention at the moment, and has really taken off at the local gaming club. Dystopian Wars will still feature, of course, and I look forward to continuing the themed Battle Reports and narrative campaigns.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading,
Holy cow! 500+ models?! I'm impressed and will be doubly so if you do it again. I will very much look forward to more dystopian wars coverage; you're AARs are the best.